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Universal Topology User Guide

This guide will lead the user through the process of building a graph, reading the result, and interacting with the graph.

Topology Form

The form is the same for the "Adhoc Graph Dashboard" and the "Topology Graph" dashboard panel in the dashboard editor. The form fields are as follows.

Panel Name:

  • Title for the topology view panel.

Graph Settings

Form Graph settings

Graph Type:

  • Vertex: The graph is dependent on a particular vertex. The graph will focus on this vertex. Other options will determine how the graph is laid out, but this vertex is where everything begins.

  • Edge: The graph is dependent on edge properties. This is useful if you want to graph a particular path based on edge properties such as circuit, ticket, or customer.

  • API: The graph is dependent on a custom API instead of the default Assure1 graph API.

Filter By:

  • List: This option is currently only applicable when the Graph Type is set to "Vertex". It indicates the graph will either be rendered out to a certain number of hops, or to an end vertex.

  • Property: This option is applicable when the Graph Type is set to "Vertex" or "Edge". It indicates the graph should be dependent on the chosen property rather than a particular route.

Options for: Graph Type = Vertex, Filter By = List


The first dropdown list filters the second dropdown list. The default selection is "Any", but you should choose a vertex type if possible. This will greatly enhance the graph load time. Typical values are "Device" or "Service", but all vertex types are in the list.

The second dropdown list is the actual vertices. This selection will determine where the topology graph begins.


The "Hops" or "Vertex" checkbox determines if the graph will go out X hops from the start vertex in every direction or just go directly to the chosen end vertex by the most direct route possible.

If "Hops" is checked, then a number of hops must be set. Every edge is considered a "hop". For example, DeviceA -> Interface1DeviceA -> Interface1DeviceB -> DeviceB would be 3 hops.

If "Vertex" is checked, an end vertex must be selected in the same fashion as the start vertex. You can restrict the list by vertex type, then choose the actual vertex. An empty graph will be presented if no path exists between the chosen start and end vertices.

Group By:

This determines how vertices are nested. If you choose a group by vertex type, then everything that is connected to that type will be nested inside of it. This option is almost always left to the default value of "No Grouping". An example would be if you only wanted to see your networks at the top level, you could set Group By to "Network". The graph would only show network vertices. Everything else would be nested inside of the network vertices. This is not a commonly desired scenario. Here is an example with no Group By set:

Group By: No Grouping

If we rerun the same selection, but set Group By to Network, all of the associated devices will be nested inside of the network vertex.

Group By: Network with the vertex collapsed

Note the "12" in the top right corner that indicates there are now 12 vertices inside of this one. When the network vertex is double-clicked, we can see the 12 devices again.

Group By: Network with the vertex expanded

Tuck Away:

This also determines how vertices are nested. The chosen vertex type will be nested inside of the parent vertex if one can be determined. A common use is tucking interfaces inside of the parent device. Here is an example:

Tuck Away: None with thousands of interfaces around the devices

This graph is so busy with interfaces that it becomes almost impossible to see any details. When the interfaces are tucked away, it becomes much easier to discern items of interest.

Tuck Away: Interfaces with all devices collapsed

This is the same graph, but now the interfaces are all tucked away inside of the devices. We can still see the interfaces by double-clicking a device.

Tuck Away: Interfaces with a device expanded

The zoom and/or search features can be used find specific information and see labels.

Options for: Graph Type = Vertex, Filter By = Property

Vertex Types:

The vertex type(s) to include in the graph.


The vertex property that must exist for the vertex to be included in the graph.

Property Value:

The specific property value that must match for the vertex to be included in the graph.

Options for: Graph Type = Edge, Filter By = Property

Edge Types:

The edge type(s) to include in the graph.


The edge property that must exist for the edge to be included in the graph.

Property Value:

The specific property value that must match for the edge to be included in the graph.

Options for: Graph Type = API

A custom API can be used in place of the default Assure1 Graph API. Contact support for more information about creating custom API's.

Data Source:

This field is the path to the API file on the presentation server. The field is made up of 1) the path to the API file, 2) the function to call in the API, and 3) any parameters to pass to the API. The path is processed by the Assure1 router. Beginning the path with "api/myPackage" will look in the base Assure1 directory, www, packages, myPackage, src, api directory. For example, "api/customTopology/customAPI/readTopology" would look for the file "$A1BASEDIR/www/packages/customTopology/src/api/customAPI.php" and would try to run the function "readTopology".

If there are parameters to pass, they should be provided after the function call, like this:


When the dashboard is loaded, it will expect StartVertexName, Hops, and GraphType to be passed in as parameters for the API to use. The custom API will determine what to do if proper values are not passed to the API.

View Settings

View settings

Edge Types:

Some Graph Types allow the limitation of edge types in the graph. Adding one or more Edge Types will limit the graph to just those edge types. Setting Edge Types to "Any" will include all edge types.

Node Type:

The node type is either "Basic" which means it will just load the graph and no state information (event and metric badges as well as node availability), or "Active" which will load the details.

Node Types: Basic vs. Active

Initial Menu:

This allows the root context menu for the graph to be changed.

Geo Map:

This allows you to switch from the default map tile server to a custom tile server

Tile Server:

If Geo Map is set to "Custom", then this field allows you to give the URL for a custom tile server.

Layout Settings

Layout settings


This dropdown allows you to select a layout type. The possible types are Concentric, Force, Grid, Hierarchy, Radial, and Geographic Map. All of these layouts share some common Advanced Configuration options, but may also have unique options.

  • Common Advanced Configuration

    • Text Color - The color of the node and edge text. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.

    • Text Background - The node label background may be set to transparent or a specific color. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.

    • Text Size - The size of the node and edge text in pixels.

    • Label Length - The number of characters a vertex label will display by default. Anything beyond that length will be truncated unless the node is selected.

  • Concentric - This layout takes a base node as parameter and organizes the graph so the nodes close to the selected node are arranged in a circle around it. Each hop forms another circle.

    Concentric layout

  • Force - This layout uses defined forces to attract or repel vertices from each other. The advanced configuration options will greatly affect the outcome, but the general layout will be spread out with the Gravity, Edge Strength, and Charge pushing the nodes apart.

    Force layout

    • Advanced Configuration

      • Charge - Distance factor between nodes. A greater value increases the distance.

      • Elasticity - Node collision elasticity. Smaller values may result in incomplete node overlap removal. Passing 0 will skip that algorithm pass altogether.

      • Edge Strength - Attraction strength. Higher values make edges' attractive force stronger.

      • Gravity - Force that attracts nodes to the center of the graph. Center is either the mass center of the graph or the value defined by cx and cy. Greater value makes the layout more compact.

  • Grid - This layout arranges the vertices in a grid of rows and columns.

    Grid layout

  • Hierarchy - This layout positions nodes starting from a root node downwards generating a visual hierarchy based on connectivity.

    Hierarchy layout

    • Advanced Configuration

      • Direction - The direction the graph will flow (top to bottom, left to right, etc).

      • Level Distance - Desired distance between the layers of layout.

      • Node Distance - Desired distance between the nodes on one layer.

  • Radial - This layout positions nodes around the selected one based on their graph-theoretical distance (the shortest path in the graph, connecting them). If there are sub-graphs or nodes not reachable from the central node, they will be pushed outwards, but still placed around the layout in a readable way.

    Radial layout

    • Advanced Configuration

      • Repulsion - Increase or decrease the repulsion force between the nodes on the same levels. Values smaller than 1 will result in more compact placement along the layers.
  • Geographic Map - This layout uses a geographic map as the background and places the nodes at their specified latitude and longitude.

    Geographic Map layout

Display Settings

Display settings

Hide Header:

This checkbox hides or displays the panel header when the panel is rendered. This is most useful for reports or if screen real estate is limited.

Strip Domain:

This checkbox hides or shows the domain name on vertices. This is useful if there is only a single domain name so it is repetitive information, or the domain names are extremely long and make the node labels difficult to read.


This indicates what percentage of the available screen width should be used for the panel.


"Auto" will adjust the panel height as the content changes. This setting is generally not suggested for the topology because the graph will adjust the zoom to the height of the panel. "Auto" will default to 400px. If you want a different height, uncheck "Auto" and set the desired height in pixels in the number field below the checkbox.

Refresh Rate:

This allows the refresh rate to be set in seconds. This refresh rate determines how often the vertex details are updated. If no refresh rate is specified, the state will only load a single time when the graph is loaded.

Topology Graph

The topology graph is the end result of the chosen selections. It consists of several different areas.


The toolbar is on the top of the graph containing various controls to modify the graph.

View Graph Toolbar

  • Layout

    • This allows you to change the layout (Force, Hierarchy, etc) on the fly.
  • Information

    • This allows you to toggle the information pane (the grid on the right side) on and off.

      When it is turned off, moving the mouse over a vertex or edge will show the information in a pop-up window near the vertex or edge.

      When the toggle is on, the information stays in the same place on the right side.

      If you select a node, the information will stay visible when you move the mouse. This is ideal for selecting information of interest from the pane.

  • Dynamic Advanced Configuration

    • This toggle will show a subset of the advanced configuration options from the main form. The options available depend on the current layout. This allows you to see your changes in real time so you know exactly how the values will affect the layout.
  • Search

    • Type in the Search field to highlight related nodes and/or edges quickly. Hit Enter to focus on just the related nodes and/or edges.
  • Locate

    • Click Locate to focus on the Search values. If Search is empty, it will bring the whole graph into focus.
  • Zoom

    • Use the slider to zoom in or out on the graph.
  • Drag/Select

    • The text on this button changes between Drag and Select when clicked. These two options allow you to move or rearrange the graph layout manually.

      When it shows "Drag", you can click-and-drag the mouse on a node to move it or click-and-drag the background to move the whole graph.

      When it shows "Select", click-and-drag the mouse to select multiple nodes and/or edges.

  • Full Screen

    • Click this button to hide the UI and just show the graph. This is ideal for monitoring stations or analyzing the graph layout. Hit Escape to exit Full Screen.
  • Rotate

    • Each time a button is clicked, the entire graph will be rotated 45 degrees left or right. Vertex labels will remain oriented upright.
  • Export

    • The export button allows you to capture the graph in the chosen export format. The export will just capture the graph area without the toolbar, information pane, etc.


The footer bar below the graph is mainly informational but has some interactivity.

View Graph Footer

  • Refresh

    • The refresh button will reload the vertex detail information. This updates event counts, vertex availability, and metric threshold status.
  • Interaction

    • This button opens a summary of how interactions with the graph work. Click anywhere off the summary pane to hide the information.
  • Update Status Bar

    • When the vertices are being updated, it shows you a progress count. Once the update is complete, it will show "status update complete" for a few seconds before disappearing.

Information Pane

The information pane shows properties and values of the current target. You can drag the divider bar between the graph and the information pane to make it larger or smaller. Click the Information button on the toolbar to completely hide it.

View Graph Information Pane

Context Menu

The context menu will be available while a vertex is targeted. The options in the context menu will be dependent upon the menu selected while configuring the graph. Most of the default options are links to dashboards related to devices.

View Graph Context Menu

  • Device Overview – Opens the Device Overview dashboard for the device associated with the target vertex.

  • Events – Opens an event list with the Node field matching the vertex name.

  • Device Availability – Opens the device Availability dashboard for the device associated with the target vertex.

  • All Metrics – Opens the All Metrics Overview dashboard for the device associated with the target vertex.

  • Network Details – Opens the Network Details dashboard for the device associated with the target vertex.

  • Next Hop – Adds any vertices and edges attached to the target vertex to the current graph.

Graph Pane

There is a lot of information in the graph itself. This is a breakdown of the icon and color meanings.

View Graph Pane


  • The large, central icon represents the vertex type, such as network, interface, or a device type. The color indicates the availability: red = 0%, green = 100%, and yellow is anything between.

  • The bottom left icon represents the metric threshold status. The color indicates the highest severity threshold breached.

  • The bottom right icon represents the event status. The color indicates the highest event severity.

  • The top right icon represents the number of vertices tucked away inside the vertex. If a number is present, double-click the vertex to expand it so the nested vertices are visible.


  • The edge will typically be gray unless customized. The edge will have an arrow at one end to indicate the source/target relationship. Select an edge to highlight the edge and the nodes at either end. Selecting the edge also fills the information pane with the edge details.


  • Badge – A small notation on a vertex or edge meant to relay some specific information at a glance.

  • Context Menu – A menu that pops up at the target location with options specific to the target. It can typically be accessed by either clicking the right mouse button or selecting the target and clicking the appropriate control key.

  • Edge – A connection between vertices showing information about the relationship. It is generally a simple line, but can be decorated with text, badges, or even animations.

  • Node – A node (or vertex, these terms can be used interchangeably) is an object that represents a source of interest in a graph. It is a circle with an icon and various badges on the graph. In the real world, it can be a physical object such as a device or an abstract concept such as a service.

  • Topology – A graph of vertices and edges representing the relationship between those objects and, ideally, current real-world status of those same objects. The graph is generally used to identify problems and what the scope of the problem's effects may be.

  • Vertex – A vertex (or node, these terms can be used interchangeably) is an object that represents a source of interest in a graph. It is a circle with an icon and various badges on the graph. In the real world, it can be a physical object such as a device or an abstract concept such as a service.

Example Process

Example Process Completed Form

  1. Select a Start Vertex.

  2. Set the number of Hops.

  3. Set the Tuck Away to Interface.

  4. Set the Text Background to Transparent for both themes.

  5. Set the Label Length to an appropriate value.

  6. Uncheck Auto Height.

  7. Set the Height value in pixels.

  8. Click the "View" button.

The result will look like this:

Example Process View