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Tools is a standard configuration interface for adding, editing, and removing the custom tools that are available to perform actions and processes on a particular topology view.

Refer to the Standard Configuration Interface guide for details on interacting with the grid and form.

This user interface calls REST methods from api/topology/tools.

The UI path for this interface is Configuration -> Graph -> Topology -> Tools.

Form Fields

  • Tool Name - The name for the tool.

  • Icon - The icon used when viewing the list of available tools.

  • Path - The URL to the web page or script to run depending on Path Type.

  • Path Type - The type of the path.

    • Internal treats the Path field as a relative path to an Assure1 UI interface.

    • Local treats the Path field as a relative or absolute path to a tool on the Assure1 presentation server.

    • Hybrid treats the Path field as a relative or absolute path to a tool on the Assure1 presentation server and expects a JSON REST-type response to redirect to an Assure1 UI interface. Response format:

      • success: true/false.

      • message: string.

      • data: object; must contain path key with the relative internal Assure1 UI interface path.

      • errors: object (optional).

    • Remote treats the Path field as an URL to a tool external to the Assure1 presentation server.

  • Target - How to open the page. Options include opening to a new pop up window, opening to the current browser tab, or a new browser window.

  • Width - If Target is set to Pop Up, the width of the new window.


    If a value between 10 and 90 is used, the pop up window will be this percentage of the overall browser area wide. If a value greater than 100 is used, the pop up window will be this number of pixels wide.

  • Height - If Target is set to Pop Up, the height of the new window.


    If a value between 10 and 90 is used, the pop up window will be this percentage of the overall browser area high. If a value greater than 100 is used, the pop up window will be this number of pixels high.


Default Tools

  • All Metrics

  • Device Availability

  • Device Overview

  • Events

  • Network Details

Best Practices

  • When the Topology Tool is executed, DeviceID and ObjectID are available to the tool through token replacement. The following tokens if seen will be replaced in Path field:

    • Any object property in the format of <Property>. (e.g. <DeviceID> is replaced with the value from the object's DeviceID property) Common properties:

    • <DeviceID>

    • <ObjectID>

    • <OwnerUserID>

    • <OwnerUserGroupID>

    • See the specific object for additional supported properties