Tools is a standard configuration interface for adding, editing, and removing the custom tools that are available to perform actions and processes on a particular topology view.
Refer to the Standard Configuration Interface guide for details on interacting with the grid and form.
This user interface calls REST methods from api/topology/tools.
The UI path for this interface is Configuration -> Graph -> Topology -> Tools.
Form Fields¶
Tool Name - The name for the tool.
Icon - The icon used when viewing the list of available tools.
Path - The URL to the web page or script to run depending on Path Type.
Path Type - The type of the path.
Internal treats the Path field as a relative path to an Assure1 UI interface.
Local treats the Path field as a relative or absolute path to a tool on the Assure1 presentation server.
Hybrid treats the Path field as a relative or absolute path to a tool on the Assure1 presentation server and expects a JSON REST-type response to redirect to an Assure1 UI interface. Response format:
success: true/false.
message: string.
data: object; must contain path key with the relative internal Assure1 UI interface path.
errors: object (optional).
Remote treats the Path field as an URL to a tool external to the Assure1 presentation server.
Target - How to open the page. Options include opening to a new pop up window, opening to the current browser tab, or a new browser window.
Width - If Target is set to Pop Up, the width of the new window.
If a value between 10 and 90 is used, the pop up window will be this percentage of the overall browser area wide. If a value greater than 100 is used, the pop up window will be this number of pixels wide.
Height - If Target is set to Pop Up, the height of the new window.
If a value between 10 and 90 is used, the pop up window will be this percentage of the overall browser area high. If a value greater than 100 is used, the pop up window will be this number of pixels high.
Default Tools¶
All Metrics
Device Availability
Device Overview
Network Details
Best Practices¶
When the Topology Tool is executed, DeviceID and ObjectID are available to the tool through token replacement. The following tokens if seen will be replaced in Path field:
Any object property in the format of <Property>. (e.g. <DeviceID> is replaced with the value from the object's DeviceID property) Common properties:
See the specific object for additional supported properties